Libro Outdoor + Indoor Team Building Activities For Adults. - Nauris Svika

Outdoor + Indoor Team Building Activities For Adults. – Nauris Svika

GREAT BOOK FOR TEAM BUILDING PROVIDERS! Are you looking for effective outdoor and indoor team building activities for adults? Congratulations! Get this "2 in 1" book right now! It's not about funny icebreakers or "500 never use it again games." This book includes 10 high quality new and tested professional exercises. Every activity is: – 20min-40minr long; – explained with clear step-by-step guidelines and pictures, to make the reading process much easier; – tested in real events with our team building company "B02" , to make sure you get real working ideas, not empty theoretical ideas with “this one should work” attitude. My name is Nauris Svika. I’m the owner of the leadership & team development company “B02” Ltd. in Europe. My company has been covered in Forbes magazine two times in two different EU countries. In addition, local magazines such as “The Business Psychology”, “The daily business” and even the TV channels are talking about us. "B02" is a team of open and friendly professionals. Many of our trainers (including me) are former military officers, so we have good practical knowledge of team development and leadership based on experience. I have created hundreds of different team building activities and about 30 special programs. I know there are a lot of games / for hundreds and even thousands of dollars, and you know – too many times it’s a waste of money. Of course it’s interesting, it delivers, but that’s just a game. On the other side, you can find a lot of free resources, but in most cases these exercises are far too popular (nobody wants to hear “Oh… we know this exercise”), or they just don’t deliver and look cheap. I make the best effort to create good exercises and “easy to understand” instructions. At first we were not generating these exercises for sale; we needed them for our training events. It’s always a risk to include new but untested exercises for training events. Some new exercises (about 30%) don’t pass the real event tests and we never use them again. You get exercises that we’ve created for ourselves, that we’re 100% satisfied about, and thatwe’re using week by week.   Kind regards, Nauris Svika



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