Libro Introduction: Martin De Azpilcueta: Biographical and Scientific Profile (Commentary on the Resolution of Money) (Brief Biography) (Report) - Journal of Markets & Morality

Introduction: Martin De Azpilcueta: Biographical and Scientific Profile (Commentary on the Resolution of Money) (Brief Biography) (Report) – Journal of Markets & Morality

Martin de Azpilcueta y Jaureguizar (1492-1586), (1) known as Doctor Navarrus, earned a bachelor in theology degree at Alcala University. Later, he completed his training in Toulouse, the most renowned center for juridical studies in France, where he received the degree of doctor in canon law (1518) and gained his first teaching experiences. As of 1524, he had served in several Canon law chairs at the University of Salamanca, and, together with Francisco de Vitoria, he renovated the juridical and theological thought of the day. (2) Some years later, in 1538, he was invited by the kings of Portugal and Spain to transfer to Coimbra University for a brief period, which extended until 1556 when he returned to Spain to devote himself entirely to his writings.



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