Libro Ink - Sam Crescent

Ink knows Darcy has a “little girl” crush on him, and he finds it sweet and cute. However, when Darcy becomes sick, it brings back memories of a past he doesn’t want to remember. Put in an impossible position, he hands in his leather cut and leaves Fort Wills, never intending to look back. For three years, Darcy has been filled with guilt. She knows she’s the one responsible for losing Ink. She never meant to force him away, but she did. So when Ink returns, she wants to put everything right. Ink now has a fresh purpose in life. With the aid of her parents, Ink is going to help Darcy move forward, to live her life, to be independent. Ink wants to be her friend. But jealousy isn’t something he expected to feel with Darcy. She’s younger than he is, and he shouldn’t fall for her, and yet, he can’t live without her. For Darcy, having Ink to herself is a dream come true, but how long can it last? He left once. Will he leave her again? There’s no way she’d be able to live with that kind of heartache—should she even take that chance?



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