Libro Animales fantásticos y dónde encontrarlos - J.K. Rowling

Animales fantásticos y dónde encontrarlos – J.K. Rowling, Newt Scamander & Alicia Dellepiane

Desde su publicación, la obra maestra de Newt Scamander ha sido un manual de lectura obligada en el Colegio Hogwarts de Magia y Hechicería, además de servir de entretenimiento a generaciones enteras de magos. Animales fantásticos y dónde encontrarlos ofrece una introducción indispensable a las criaturas mágicas del mundo de los magos. Los años que…

Libro Love Songs - Barbara Delinsky

Love Songs – Barbara Delinsky

Love Songs Barbara Delinsky In these two classic novels from America's beloved storyteller, Barbara Delinsky captures those special romantic moments that make the heart sing… UP ALL NIGHT Alanna Evans is a busy young executive with a bad case of insomnia. Desperate for a good night's sleep, she decides to check out a renowned sleep…

Libro Ink - Sam Crescent

Ink – Sam Crescent

Ink knows Darcy has a “little girl” crush on him, and he finds it sweet and cute. However, when Darcy becomes sick, it brings back memories of a past he doesn’t want to remember. Put in an impossible position, he hands in his leather cut and leaves Fort Wills, never intending to look back. For…